International Journal of Multidisciplinary Research Professional(IJMDRP)

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Akshada Shitole                                           

Department of Computer Engineering,

K K Wagh Institute of Engineering Education & Research,

Nashik, Maharashtra, India

Mayuri Sonawane

Department of Computer Engineering

K K Wagh Institute of Engineering Education & Research,

Nashik, Maharashtra, India

Malika Pagare

Department of Computer Engineering,

K K Wagh Institute of Engineering Education & Research,

Nashik, Maharashtra, India

Pooja Gaidhani

Department of Computer Engineering,

K K Wagh Institute of Engineering Education & Research,

Nashik, Maharashtra, India


The reviews of tourists extracted from various sites are the source of information and opinions for other visitors. By this information the travelers will come to know about the places they are going to visit. Where, some of the reviews entered will be irrelevant. Thus, aspect-based sentiment classification method is used to overcome such irrelevant and noisy data. However, not that much research has been done on automatic aspect identification, and identification of implicit, infrequent and co-referential aspects, resulting in misclassifications. This framework leads to a methodology which will identify the aspects and performs classification tasks too which in-turn is going to help the tourists to find the best places to travel such as restaurant, city.

Keywords: Naïve Bayes Classifier, Aspect based sentiment classification


Due to the rapid growth of technologies, large number of users are engaged with online information surfing, & due to this online information surfing they became aware of new destinations. The main source of information to determine the sentiment and the perspective towards particular destination is the reviews. The reviews are the opinions of the people which is expressed. In these reviews people share their thoughts and experiences. The term sentiment analysis is coined to check the attitude of people from the given reviews. Sentiment analysis is the process to determine the sentiments of a written text into positive,

negative or neutral. Sentiment analysis aims to check the perspective of a orator or a creator with respect to the some subject. Here, we applied sentiment analysis on the reviews which is shared by the user on hotels considering its food, service and hospitality. Customers can book hotel online before to their arrival date. Using online booking platforms, customers can easily book hotel in the destination city anytime and from anywhere. But how to decide which is best hotel as booking platform shows hotel reviews, images and ratings. This information might be differ in actual so we can trust on only the reviews of the customers who visited the hotel [2].

In today’s digital world, it is easy to get any information on internet. Firstly, Tourist searches various hotels websites and read the reviews of other people who visit that hotel and they can also get reviews form other social media platforms like Facebook, twitter etc. Then decides to visit the hotel or not but they get confused. As the review may contain lot of noisy and irrelevant data which might not gives the clear idea about the hotel. So, need to understand the review more and manually reading all review is very impractical [2]. Data preprocessing eliminates redundant reviews and removes ambiguity inherit in the data and transforms the reviews into sentences [3]. Pre-processing is the process of cleaning and preparing data for classification. Pre-processing consists of several processes like case folding, tokenization, filtering and stemming [9] which removes irrelevant data. In folding process, all the characters in the review are changed into a single type, whether lowercase or uppercase. Tokenization is the process of splitting a review into words, symbol phrases or other elements that are called tokens. In the filtering process, the words that represent the review, including stopwords, are removed. Stopwords are common words in review, usually in the form of articles, prepositions, pronouns or other words that do not give meaning to the review. Stemming is a technique that is used to find the basic form of a term/word[9] For segmenting such sentences Unigram tokenizer is used.

Hence sentiment analysis is applied convert the reviews into positive or negative. Sentiment analysis classify the sentence into positive or negative using text analysis techniques. As we know person to person everything is different as everyone’s priorities are different. Suppose for person A food is very important aspect while visiting a hotel and for person B service is important. Hence, taking aspect in consideration a new application is being developed namely as aspect based sentiment classification for hotel review which will suggest best hotel according to customer’s important aspect[3]. There are various methods used for sentiment classification like support vector machine, decision tree and naïve bayes. naïve bayes classification algorithm is being used which is based on bayes theorem. Naïve Bayes is supervised learning algorithm. It assumes that the presence or absence of a particular feature of a class is independent of other features in the class. It is the simplest algorithm to classify large data set [4]. The data which it trains is labeled data. Supervised algorithm which learns from the trained dataset. The Naïve Bayes algorithms in supervised learning analyzes the training data to generalize a function, that can be used for mapping new input. Text classifications one of the classic examples of naïve bayes as it has best computational, efficient, and relatively good predictive performance [6]. Aspect-based sentiment classification for hotel reviews application will suggests best hotel to customer as per him/her vital aspect.


This paper focuses on aspect identification and Sentiment analysis related to aspect identified. Aspect Identification:

Here aspect is nothing but the entity related to hotel such as Room, Staff, Services. To identify such aspect from provided reviews. To identify such aspect here Hybrid tree based aspect identification [3] algorithm is used.

Sentiment classification

To classify each review into positive, negative and neutral with related aspect is classified using “Naïve Bayes classifier” algorithm[9,4].It works on categorical data too. Naive Bayes classification algorithm is supervised machine learning algorithm which takes label data to train classifier, here to train classifier hotel review datasets is used which contains 50% positive and 50% negative reviews. Naïve Bayes classification algorithm provides best results as compared to other algorithms while performing sentiment classification.

Fig 1 enlightens the proposed framework for aspect-based sentiment classification. It implements two algorithms that are Hybrid tree based aspect Identification Algorithm and naïve Bayes classification algorithm.

a) Hybrid tree-based aspect identification algorithm

Fig 2. Enlightens Hybrid tree based identification algorithm [3] for feature extraction that is aspect identification from particular review which is relevant to users or tourists . It works in three steps.

To identify aspect in review initially preprocessing is perform [5]. Now this review sentence is check against three condition that are Explicit aspect identification, Co-referential aspect identification, Implicit aspect identification.

Explicit aspect identification: Explicit aspects are nothing but aspect is itself present in review and sentence is giving opinion about that particular aspect, for example, “place was nice” here place is explicit aspect. To identify explicit aspect Stanford Part-Of-Speech Tagger is applied to obtain lexicon of POS tags. Then Sentences are discarded expect Noun or Noun phrase, then to use it as explicit aspect.

Co-referential aspect identification: Co-referential aspects are synonyms or same meaning words. For identification of Co-referential aspect identification grouping of such words is performed using Word Net and then implicit aspect is assigned to it, which is further used as aspect identified for that particular review and given to classifier for classification, if no Co-referential and explicit aspect is present check for implicit aspect.

Implicit aspect identification: The sentences which gives an implicitly opinion on aspect is classified as implicit aspect. E.g., “Ordered dish was oily” this review implicitly gives opinion about the aspect that is “food”. Decision tree is used for implicit aspect identification input to the decision tree is words which are obtain using sentences which are segmented into words using Uni-Gram Tokenizer. In decision tree words are used as condition and assigned aspect to those words is class. This aspect is along with its sentences is given to classifier for classification

If no aspect is identified through these three conditions, then that review get discarded. Review such as “We went to XYZ restaurant”.

b) Naïve Bayes sentiment classification

In proposed framework to classify reviews first Naïve Bayes training model is created [6]. It starts with collecting reviews dataset from various hotel booking websites it stores in database for further processing on it. To remove ambiguity, redundancy and also for correcting misspelled word preprocessing is performed using different NLP techniques [17,6].

In the next step reviews text are extracted which are opinion sentences. Now classification is performed on these reviews into positive, negative and neutral. Now for creating training model along with sentiment sentences here features are also provided which are nothing but the aspects. This collectively forms training model of naïve Bayes classifier.

For performing classification on testing data, live reviews are collected and then aspect is identified for classification. Here naïve bayes takes input as aspect identified and review also the training model for classification. It calculates conditional probability and gives the output as Positive negative and Neutral with respective each review III. LITERATURE SURVEY

Kudakwashe Zvarevashe[7], The Sentiments provided by people mostly are of unstructured format. For the exact sentiment analysis of these reviews or feedbacks or opinions one need to initially organize a data in structured format. After proper organizing data, algorithms must be applied on the data to get its results. The sentiment analysis is based on various forms of naïve bayes classifier and sentiment polarity. OpinRank dataset is used as a training data and testing data for the sentiment analysis of hotel reviews and their classifications. The sentiment polarity will decide whether positive, negative and neutral comment. Naive Bayes Multinomial results with the better performance as compared to other. The precision of these algorithms reaches more than 70%.

Han-xiaoI shi[18], Defines supervised machine learning algorithm for sentiment classification of hotel reviews. The Support Vector Machine algorithm is used by concentrating the two main components i.e., unigram, frequency, term frequency inverse document frequency. The information of term frequency inverse document frequency is more efficient. The natural language processing techniques were also introduced to achieve great performance on sentiment classification and analysis. The F score, recall, and Precision is more than 80%.

Gulmira Bekmanova[11], Proposed ontology models of services of hotel and simple sentences. These two models help to detect the fake reviews. The ontology is capable of translating model into the RDF schema. For the reviews generation three knowledge databases were used. The knowledge database were consists of adjectives, fuzzy assessments, values of each aspects includes positive, negative, and neutral. These

Jian Yang[1], Proposed convolutional neural network for the aspect-based sentiment analysis. The network consists of self-attention and gating mechanism. The SemEval dataset is used for carrying out the experiments. Experiment shown the better performance on both ACSA and ATSA.

Beny Pangestu[2], In this approach data analysis is performed on various languages for the purpose of the sentiment analysis. The three main analysis are sentiment, descriptive and predictive analysis. Hierarchical K-Means Clustering method, time-series model is used for the analysis. The experiment shown great performance, improved accuracy and reduce errors. 

Li-Chen Cheng[5], In this approach the deep learning models are used for the processing of reviews. It consists of various modules like web crawler, preprocessing, labelled posts, word embedding etc. Three deep learning models are trained and used for the analysis. the experiment shown more than 60% of accuracy, recall, precision and f score.

Tushar Ghorpade[17], Defines the Bayesian classification model is used for the distribution of positive, negative and neutral reviews. Accuracy achieved in this experiment is 96%, precision is 95%, recall is 98% . the product reviews are given as a input to the bayes text classification model as well as the trained data set is used to give output of the positive and negative sentiment classification of reviews. The working module consists of input, parser module, tagger module, apply domain ontology, extract feature based information, created word dictionary etc.

Xiaobo Zhang[12], Word2Vec is used to train the hotel reviews and the ISODATA clustering algorithm is used to cluster words based on vectors. Preprocess and segmentation, word vector training, words clustering and sentiment analysis is performed on the given data set. These applied methods given better representation of the text feature vector for the sentiment analysis.

Triyanna Widiyaningtyas[6], Sentiment classification is done using the naïve bayes and the ngrams. The accuracy of 100% is achieved. The unigram, bigram and the trigram tokens are used. the unigram tokens shown more accuracy than the bigram and the trigram. The method was consisting of 6 stages data collection, preprocessing, ngram tokenization, TFIDF weighting, naïve bayes classification and then evaluation.

Hemalatha S[4], The supervised learning is applied to the yelp reviews for the sentiment’s classification. The algorithms have been used are Naive Bayes, Multinomial Naive Bayes, Bernoulli Naive Bayes, Logistic Regression, Linear SVC (Support Vector Clustering) which shows the more than 70% of accuracy. The experiment is done by using the python programming language. List of words and their probabilities of being a ‘pos’ (positive) or ‘neg’ (negative) sentiment. The satisfactory results have been obtained for the sentiment classification.


Aspect-based sentiment classification framework classifies reviews about aspects which can be positive, negative or neutral. The data for the same is crawled from the websites for this the deep learning models are used for the processing of reviews. It consists of various modules like web crawler, pre-processing, and labelled posts. Hybrid tree-based aspects extraction methods are explicit, implicit and co-referential. Where, in explicit aspect Parts of speech (POS) tag is used, in co referential aspect identification words that has similar meaning are mapped together using Wordnet and in implicit aspect Unigram tokenizer is applied which segments sentences into words. Later, machine learning algorithm Naive bayes is applied to the extracted features to train the classifiers. These trained dataset is then used to classify the reviews into positive, negative or neutral. By using this system the users can retrieve the best option of stay as per their considered aspect.

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